Why Your Martial Art School's Social Media Marketing Isnā€™t Workingā€¦ And What To Do About It

marketing Oct 16, 2022

Social media marketing for martial art schools isn't as simple as you think. Social media marketing—that is to say, FREE social media marketing—isn’t always easy to get a handle on. One reason for this is it’s a lot like doing PR work for your school.

Meaning, you can do a lot of it for a long period of time and not really see a direct impact on your school’s growth or profits, because the results are difficult to quantify.

However, what can be quantified is the direct and immediate effects of running an ad or boosted post to direct traffic to a specific lead capture or sales page. You can see the results based on how many leads or sales that page generates from the traffic you sent in a given period of time.

When Every Post Is An Ad…

You can also see the direct results of creating a free post in local parent and resident Facebook groups that directs traffic to your site. And, often these free posts can pay off… that is, if you...

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Why You Should Follow A Martial Art School Marketing Plan

marketing Sep 30, 2022

On The Fence About Purchasing My Marketing Course? The Following May Change Your Mind…

Recently I coached one of my clients on setting up a marketing system. Just the other day, he posted his final results for his first 30-Day marketing push:

Well, I hit my goal and a few over. I’m sitting on 34 this month. This is the craziest month ever. I have got around 36 intros this month. I have had some busy months before but I don’t think any like this. Thanks for your help!

Hmmm… from 3 or 4 enrollments a month to 34 in one month. There must be some amazing secret, right? I bet you’re wondering, what was this mysterious system we implemented?

Honestly, it was not that far off from the exact marketing plans I share in my martial art school marketing course, and in my martial arts business coaching groupNo lie, that’s the honest truth.

Besides a few minor tweaks to customize it to Tony’s area, it was the...

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